Hey there and welcome to Get High With Chey where you can find all my cannabis-related articles and reviews. My name is Cheyanne, but I go by Chey, which is pronounced as shy, and I am a writer who has dabbled in many fields. I started working as a cannabis reviewer and decided to create a space where there is an open discussion on the many different topics and questions about cannabis and the industry as a whole.
I was born and raised in Hollywood, FL and attended college at Florida State University. After college, I moved to Los Angeles, which is where my knowledge of cannabis began to expand into the various breeders and brands, as well as how the general industry worked itself. I currently work as the Maitre'D at the first cannabis cafe in the entire United States, The OG Cannabis Cafe in West Hollywood, CA. Throughout the time I have worked there, I have discovered an entirely new world of cannabis. I am truly an advocate for the legalization of Marijuana and all of its benefits. As I continue to learn about new strains, trends, and aspects of the industry, I want to share my knowledge with others through this blog and my articles. I hope you find this blog helpful and thank you for coming on this journey with me.
Photo by: Christophe Mcwhorter